The benefits of Cannabis with complete medical oversight
Thousands of Canadians are discovering the benefits of medical marijuana in treating chronic illness, pain and anxiety, in some cases reducing the use of pharmaceutical medications. But many are not as they lack direction and education on this relatively new option. Registered Nurses at Nurse On Board are highly qualified to set up and manage a successful regimen, customized to the specific needs of the individual. Positive results related to the use of medical cannabis don’t just happen by luck in most cases!
Learn more about how we can support you with medical cannabis here. |
How Can Nurse On Board Help?
It's not as simple as it seems. To gain the full health benefits of medical cannabis, it takes the right product from the appropriate licensed producer, as there are important differences in the products they sell. “Start low and go slow” is simply not enough guidance for most people to enjoy the symptom management they are looking for and people benefit from a titration plan tailored to them, considering their current medications and overall goals. Our Nurse Care Managers are competent in providing support with cannabis use, setting you on the right path to experience the extraordinary healing qualities of cannabis.
Click here to contact us and book a free, 30 minute consultation to find out how Nurse On Board can help. |